Some of our practitioners can bill directly to your insurance provider. Please confirm with your practitioner. Patients may have extended health benefits through a workplace group insurance plan that covers massage therapy, acupuncture. Coverage varies as does the requirement of a physician’s referral. Please check with your plan. Insurance plans in British Columbia include:
At present, a typical visit to a RMT is not covered by the BC Medical Services Plan. However, patients approved by MSP for Premium Assistance can claim part of the cost of their massage therapy treatment through their British Columbia Medical Services Plan (MSP). Premium Assistant Patients are entitled to 10 total visits per calendar year to supplementary health care providers and will be responsible to covering the remaining cost of their visit. If you are eligible for Premium Assistance, MSP will pay $23 towards your treatment.

If your workplace offers an extended health care plan such as Pacific Blue Cross, Sunlife, Manulife, Greenshield and others, it may cover RMT visits. Please check with your plan administrator for details regarding your specific plan.

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, ICBC may cover your RMT treatment(s). For the first 12 weeks after your accident, you can receive treatment from a RMT for up to 12 visits. RMTs may bill ICBC directly, so you won’t have to submit receipts for reimbursement or be out of pocket. Some RMTs fees may exceed amounts covered by ICBC — if you have other insurance coverage (for example, with your employer), it may cover the difference. ICBC will cover up to $110.00 for your initial visit and $83.00 for up to 12 subsequent visits. Additional visits maybe available, please contact your adjuster. More information can be obtained through the ICBC website at
ICBC Claims Injury Medical Care Treatment.aspx
If your claim has been accepted for coverage, WorkSafeBC covers injured workers for their visits to a Registered Massage Therapist. Your RMT can provide an initial assessment and up to six treatments within the first eight weeks from the date of injury without pre-approval. You can not receive concurrent treatment for the same injury. Approval from WorkSafeBC is required for any treatment beyond eight weeks. Only the area of injury accepted on the claim can be treated. Treatment time is at the discretion of the RMT for what is clinically appropriate for the injury on the accepted claim. WorkSafeBC will not pay for more than one 45 minute treatment per day up. WorkSafeBC will pay for 15 minute increments up to three units or 45 minutes per day. Each unit is $23.50. You will be required to provide your claim number at your first appointment.
RMT visits may be covered by the Department of Veteran Affairs for Canadian Veterans. Check with your DVA adjudicator.
RCMP members have $4800 total in benefit coverage per calendar year to cover all supplementary health benefits including chiropractor, physiotherapy, massage therapy and acupuncture.
There are many insurance providers who offer extended health care benefits to individuals, families and/or groups. These can be found by researching the web for Private Health Insurance providers in BC.