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Dr. Jane Wu

Dr. Wu is an internal medicine specialist. She obtained her MD at McMaster University in 2009 and completed residency at UBC in 2013. She is the former department head of Critical Care and the current department head of Medicine at Peace Arch Hospital. She obtained her cosmetic training in January 2023 at the Canadian Board of Medical Aesthetics and is on her way to becoming Board-Certified in cosmetic medicine. Dr. Wu is skilled in neurotoxin injections for both cosmetic and therapeutic uses, and has a special interest in Platelet Rich Fibrin. 吳醫生現任太平門醫院內科主任。吴医生精通国语和粤语。 她擅长重症监护程序和治疗有复杂医疗问题的患者。她在加拿大美容医学委员会接受了美容培训,对医学美容特别感兴趣,让人们从内到外都感觉更年轻、更美丽! 吴医生目前提供抗皱注射, 未来将扩展到用于面部年轻化的真皮填充剂和 PRP(富血小板血浆)注射。